The Rotary Club of Northwich invite you to a Special Luncheon held at Winnington Park Recreation Club.
There will be two speakers, both from CWAC.

The second speaker is Cllr. Mike Jones, leader of CWAC, who will be doing a presentation about all the regeneration of Northwich and how it fits into the wider CWAC picture, allowing the audience to find out how things are going locally, what the next steps are and a chance to hear and ask questions accordingly.
Both presentations represent exciting times ahead for Northwich and will be very interesting. A lot is happening in our Town, come and hear directly from our Council and the Developers and also have a chance to ask questions with the persons involved.
The agenda is as follows:-
11.45am Doors Open
12.30pm Meeting Opens and Lunch
01.15pm Speakers to take to the floor
02.00pm Question time
02.15pm Formal meeting ends, but depends on the questions and answers
There will be a charge to cover the cost of the buffet luncheon of £7.50 per person payable on entry and the Rotary Club are now accepting reservations for this luncheon event.
Please confirm via Telephone or Email if you are able to attend this event as soon as possible.
Contact: Emma Bantock C/O CRS Consultants Ltd.
Tel: 01606 48521
Lion Salt Works Plan here.
Lion Salt Works Website here.
Memorial Court Plan here.
Baron's Quay Brochure here.